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Coins (コイン Koin) are consumable items in the Yo-kai Watch franchise. They are used in every entry of the series to for some variant of a Crank-a-Kai or gasha machine.

Crank-a-Kai Coins

Crank-a-Coin (ガシャコイン Gashia Koin)
Game Description
Yo-kai Watch 4++ An ordinary coin for the Crank-a-Kai. (妖怪ガシャ用の 普通のコイン。さまざまな種族の妖怪と出会う事ができる。)
One-Star Coin (1つ星コイン 1 Tsuhoshi Koin)
Game Description
Yo-kai Watch 4++ A special coin for the Crank-a-kai. It has a one-star feel. (妖怪ガシャ用の 特別なコイン。1つ星な気配がただよってくる。)
Five-Star Coin (5つ星コイン 5 Tsuhoshi Koin)
Game Description
Yo-kai Watch 4++ A special five-star coin for the Crank-a-kai. (妖怪ガシャ用の 特別なコイン。5つ星な気配がただよってくる。)
Special Coin (スペシャルコイン Supesharu Koin)
Game Description
Yo-kai Watch 4++ A special coin for the Crank-a-kai. (妖怪ガシャ用の 特別なコイン。スペシャルな気配がただよってくる。)
Rusted Coin (古びたコイン Kobita Koin)
Game Description
Yo-kai Watch 4++ A special Crank-a-Kai coin that's old and worn, but still special. (妖怪ガシャ用の 古びたコイン。かなりの年季を感じさせる。)
Demonic Coin (鬼ガシャコイン Ki Gashia Koin)
Game Description
Yo-kai Watch 4++ A special Crank-a-Kai coin with a forbiddingly powerful aura. (鬼ガシャ専用の 普通のコイン。さまざまな種族の妖怪と出会う事ができる。)
Super Demonic Coin (鬼ガシャコイン・超 Ki Gashia Koin Chou)
Game Description
Yo-kai Watch 4++ A special Crank-a-Kai coin with a fierce aura. (鬼ガシャ専用の 特別なコイン。猛々しい気配がただよってくる。)
Ultra Demonic Coin (鬼ガシャコイン・極 Ki Gashia Koin Kyoku)
Game Description
Yo-kai Watch 4++ A special Crank-a-Kai coin with an ominous aura. (鬼ガシャ専用の 最上級のコイン。禍々しい気配がただよってくる。)
Y Coin (Yコイン Y Koin)
Game Description
Yo-kai Watch 4++ A special coin for the Crank-a-kai. It has a different feeling to it. (妖怪ガシャ用の 特別なコイン。ひと味ちがった気配がただよってくる。)
Gasha Coin (ガシャコイン Gashia Koin)
Game Description
Y School Heroes A special coin that's used to turn a gasha. Its "Y" engraving shines brilliantly. (ガシャを回すことのできる特別なコイン。『Y』の刻印が燦然と輝く。)

Coin Prizes

This lists every prize obtainable in a Crank-a-Kai for its respective game/Crank-a-Kai. Note that except for Yo-kai Watch, every game has daily rotations for prizes, so not all prizes listed may be active at one time. In some cases, prizes may not be available at all until reaching a certain point or satisfying a certain condition, such as some Yo-kai in Yo-kai Watch 4++'s Crank-a-Kais only being unlocked after completing the main story. The Y Coin in Yo-kai Watch 4++ is unique in that, on top of this, more prizes are only unlocked by scanning merchandise, such as Yo-kai Keystones, the Sacred Armory, or Y Medals.

Crank-a-Coin (ガシャコイン Gashia Koin)
Game Crank-a-Kai 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ Present Crank-a-Kai Shogunyan, Orcanos, Toadal Dude, Miracle Medicine, and Mega Exporb Sgt. Burly, Insomni, Frostina, Shirokuma, Shogunyan Soul (G), Orcanos Soul (G), Toadal Dude Soul (G), Mighty Medicine, Gold Doll, and Five-Star Keystone Baku, Mirapo, Hidabat, Mochismo, Sgt. Burly Soul (G), Insomni Soul (G), Frostina Soul (G), Shirokuma Soul (G), Burly's Wristband, Insomni's Eyedrops, Shirokuma's Milk Bottle, Bitter Medicine, Medium Exporb, and One Chance Keystone Manjimutt, Roughraff, Sandmeh, Baku Soul (G), Mirapo Soul (G), Hidabat Soul (G), Mochismo Soul (G), Baku's Pillow, Small Exporb, Nasty Medicine, Bronze Doll, Shakirin Medicine, Yamihaler Medicine, Numerythol Medicine, Tsukumono Keystone, Uwanosora Keystone, and Omamori Keystone
Yo-kai Watch 4++ Future Crank-a-Kai LS Blizzaria, Deadcool, LS Kyubi, Miracle Medicine, and Platinum Doll Robonyan, LS Seiryu, Punkupine, Shirokuma, LS Blizzaria Soul (G), Deadcool Soul (G), LS Kyubi Soul (G), Mighty Medicine, Large Exporb, Five-Star Keystone Blazion, LS Ungaikyo, Hot Pot, Sorrypus, Robonyan Soul (G), LS Seiryu Soul (G), Punkupine Soul (G), Shirokuma Soul (G), Robonyan Oil, Shirokuma's Milk Bottle, Punkupine's Needles, Bitter Medicine, Silver Doll, and Rainbow Keystone LS Himojii, Semicolon, Charlie, Blazion Soul (G), LS Ungaikyo Soul (G), Hot Pot Soul (G), Sorrypus Soul (G), Blazion's Flame, Mirapo Fragment, Nasty Medicine, Small Exporb, Dimininal Medicine, Nerawarel Medicine, Fusilaren Medicine, Goriki Keystone, Onnen Keystone, and Mononoke Keystone
Yo-kai Watch 4++ Past Crank-a-Kai Wobblewok, Gilgaros, Arachnus, Miracle Medicine, Mega Exporb Reuknight, LS Seiryu, Yamanbaa, Tamamo, Wobblewok Soul (G), Gilgaros Soul (G), Arachnus Soul (G), Mighty Medicine, Large Exporb, and Five-Star Keystone Baku, Zashiki-warashi, Narigama, Walkappa, Reuknight Soul (G), LS Seiryu Soul (G), Yamanbaa Soul (G), Tamamo Soul (G), Reuknight's Flag, Medium Exporb, Bitter Medicine, Silver Doll, Rainbow Keystone, One Chance Keystone Blobgoblin, Noway, Dimmy, Baku Soul (G), Zashiki-warashi Soul (G), Narigama Soul (G), Walkappa Soul (G), Baku's Pillow, Zashiki-warashi's Mirror, Nasty Medicine, Small Exporb, Dimininal Medicine, Yamihaler Medicine, Fusilaren Medicine, Tsukumono Keystone, Mononoke Keystone, and Omamori Keystone
Yo-kai Watch 4++ Yo-kai World Crank-a-Kai Silver Lining, Little Charrmer, LS Orochi, Miracle Medicine, Platinum Doll Robonyan, Insomni, Bancho, Tamamo, Silver Lining Soul (G), Little Charrmer Soul (G), LS Orochi Soul (G), Large Exporb, Gold Doll, and Five-Star Keystone Blazion, Kyunshi, Krystal Fox, Cornfused, Robonyan Soul (G), Insomni Soul (G), Bancho Soul (G), Tamamo Soul (G), Robonyan Oil, Insomni's Eyedrops, Medium Exporb, Silver Doll, Rainbow Keystone, and One Chance Keystone Pakkun, Honmaguro-taisho, Wiglin, Blazion Soul (G), Kyunshi Soul (G), Krystal Fox Soul (G), Cornfused Soul (G), Blazion's Flame, Kyunshi's Hairclip, Small Exporb, Bronze Doll, Shakirin Medicine, Nerawarel Medicine, Numerythol Medicine, Goriki Keystone, Uwanosora Keystone, and Onnen Keystone
One-Star Coin (1つ星コイン 1 Tsuhoshi Koin)
Game Crank-a-Kai 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ Present Crank-a-Kai Shogunyan, Orcanos, Toadal Dude, Whisper, Miracle Medicine, and Mega Exporb Sgt. Burly, Insomni, Frostina, Shirokuma, Shogunyan Soul (G), Orcanos Soul (G), Toadal Dude Soul (G), Whisper Soul (G), Mighty Medicine, Gold Doll, and Five-Star Keystone Baku, Mirapo, Hidabat, Mochismo, Sgt. Burly Soul (G), Insomni Soul (G), Frostina Soul (G), Shirokuma Soul (G), Burly's Wristband, Insomni's Eyedrops, Shirokuma's Milk Bottle, Bitter Medicine, Medium Exporb, and One Chance Keystone Manjimutt, Roughraff, Sandmeh, Baku Soul (G), Mirapo Soul (G), Hidabat Soul (G), Mochismo Soul (G), Baku's Pillow, Small Exporb, Nasty Medicine, Bronze Doll, Shakirin Medicine, Yamihaler Medicine, Numerythol Medicine, Tsukumono Keystone, Uwanosora Keystone, and Omamori Keystone
Yo-kai Watch 4++ Future Crank-a-Kai LS Blizzaria, Deadcool, LS Kyubi, Future Whisper, Miracle Medicine, and Platinum Doll Robonyan, LS Seiryu, Punkupine, Shirokuma, LS Blizzaria Soul (G), Deadcool Soul (G), LS Kyubi Soul (G), Future Whisper Soul (G), Mighty Medicine, Large Exporb, and Five-Star Keystone Blazion, LS Ungaikyo, Hot Pot, Sorrypus, Robonyan Soul (G), LS Seiryu Soul (G), Punkupine Soul (G), Shirokuma Soul (G), Robonyan Oil, Shirokuma's Milk Bottle, Punkupine's Needles, Bitter Medicine, Silver Doll, and Rainbow Keystone LS Himojii, Semicolon, Charlie, Blazion Soul (G), LS Ungaikyo Soul (G), Hot Pot Soul (G), Sorrypus Soul (G), Blazion's Flame, Mirapo Fragment, Nasty Medicine, Small Exporb, Dimininal Medicine, Nerawarel Medicine, Fusilaren Medicine, Goriki Keystone, Onnen Keystone, and Mononoke Keystone
Yo-kai Watch 4++ Past Crank-a-Kai Wobblewok, Gilgaros, Arachnus, Whisper, Miracle Medicine, and Mega Exporb Reuknight, LS Seiryu, Yamanbaa, Tamamo, Wobblewok Soul (G), Gilgaros Soul (G), Arachnus Soul (G), Whisper Soul (G), Mighty Medicine, Large Exporb, Five-Star Keystone Baku, Zashiki-warashi, Narigama, Walkappa, Reuknight Soul (G), LS Seiryu Soul (G), Yamanbaa Soul (G), Tamamo Soul (G), Reuknight's Flag, Medium Exporb, Bitter Medicine, Silver Doll, Rainbow Keystone, and One Chance Keystone Blobgoblin, Noway, Dimmy, Baku Soul (G), Zashiki-warashi Soul (G), Narigama Soul (G), Walkappa Soul (G), Baku's Pillow, Zashiki-warashi's Mirror, Nasty Medicine, Small Exporb, Dimininal Medicine, Yamihaler Medicine, Fusilaren Medicine, Tsukumono Keystone, Mononoke Keystone, and Omamori Keystone
Yo-kai Watch 4++ Yo-kai World Crank-a-Kai Silver Lining, Little Charrmer, LS Orochi, Future Whisper, Miracle Medicine, and Platinum Doll Robonyan, Insomni, Bancho, Tamamo, Silver Lining Soul (G), Little Charrmer Soul (G), LS Orochi Soul (G), Future Whisper Soul (G), Large Exporb, Gold Doll, and Five-Star Keystone Blazion, Kyunshi, Krystal Fox, Cornfused, Robonyan Soul (G), Insomni Soul (G), Bancho Soul (G), Tamamo Soul (G), Robonyan Oil, Insomni's Eyedrops, Medium Exporb, Silver Doll, Rainbow Keystone, and One Chance Keystone Pakkun, Honmaguro-taisho, Wiglin, Blazion Soul (G), Kyunshi Soul (G), Krystal Fox Soul (G), Cornfused Soul (G), Blazion's Flame, Kyunshi's Hairclip, Small Exporb, Bronze Doll, Shakirin Medicine, Nerawarel Medicine, Numerythol Medicine, Goriki Keystone, Uwanosora Keystone, and Onnen Keystone

Prize Rates

Crank-a-Coin (ガシャコイン Gashia Koin)
Game 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ 1% 25% 37% 37%
One-Star Coin (1つ星コイン 1 Tsuhoshi Koin)
Game 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ 5% 35% 45% 15%
Five-Star Coin (5つ星コイン 5 Tsuhoshi Koin)
Game 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ 30% 40% 20% 10%
Special Coin (スペシャルコイン Supesharu Koin)
Game 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ 45% 45% 5% 5%
Rusted Coin (古びたコイン Kobita Koin)
Game 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ 1% 10% 30% 59%
Demonic Coin (鬼ガシャコイン Ki Gashia Koin)
Game 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ 1% 25% 37% 37%
Super Demonic Coin (鬼ガシャコイン・超 Ki Gashia Koin Chou)
Game 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ 5% 25% 35% 35%
Ultra Demonic Coin (鬼ガシャコイン・極 Ki Gashia Koin Kyoku)
Game 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ 10% 35% 20% 35%
Y Coin (Yコイン Y Koin)
Game 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Free Gift
Yo-kai Watch 4++ 15% 30% 35% 20%
Gasha Coin (ガシャコイン Gashia Koin)
Game Legendary Prize Epic Prize Rare Prize Uncommon Prize Common Prize
Y School Heroes 3% 10% 32% 30% 25%


While two coins exist with the same characters (ガシャコイン, Gashia Koin) in Yo-kai Watch 4++ and Y School Heroes, since there is no Crank-a-Kai in Y School Heroes, they are treated as different coins.